Transfer to a new PC

Since new life is start, I need switch to a new PC, here is the reminder that I will need to get in case to forget to set up my PC.


When it comes to IDE, normally I choose intellij’s product. It’s cool and easy to use. What’s best is that I can use educational version of IDE.

Text Editor

At first, I will choose Sublime Text2. I have tried Sublime Text3 and atom, they feel all right. As time goes by, VS code is much powerful than Sublime now. What is more, VS code is free to use, I do not need to click the button to miss the notification from Sublime Text2.

Here is some extension:

  • git lens for every useful git information, especially git blame :D
  • C/C++
  • Python


iterm2 + ZSH + oh-my-zsh, this is the comfortable set for me on MAC. Easy to install and powerful.

For windows, I still do not figure out if there is any useful set.

For linux, I am trying Tmux and terminal + ZSH + oh-my-zsh.

  • here is the thing, I can not direct change default shell to zsh in .profile, which will cause some weird bug that I can not log in. So I change the open scripts to .bashrc, and I get the dafault ZSH.

Git cz

I am so tired about writing git commit message without any format help, so I definitely will choose to install git cz.


Very useful to get some directory recently used. Totally time saver.


helpful when long command should be input.


some pluggins related to github, help me to go through github as I want.
