Recently to work from home, my mac has already upgraded to mac os catalina, however it can not connect to my company’s VPN. So IT from our company ask me to reinstall the mac. Though I have timemachine, many things have changed recently, hence I decide to make my mac brand new and only install the software I trust.
- 1Password 6
This is because I bought the license for 6 only, maybe nexttime I will try to subscribe this app to use the latest one.
- Adobe
To be honest, I almost do not use PS, PR, AE anymore since I enter the graduate school.
- Alfred 4
I use Alfred more than spotlight search, workflow is very helpful if you know how to write script.
- Bartender 3
To hide the item on menu bar, which is very helpful since my MAC is 13 inches and the space is very limited.
- Dropbox
- FileZilla
Great open source video software
- iStat Menus
To monitor the CPU, MEM, Network usage.
- To Do
The next version of wunderlist, to be honest, I like wunderlist more but it will gone after May.
- ShadowsocksX, surge
- Specatacle
- Typora, Ulysses
Markdown writer.
- Hexo